Lead Iodide for Research and Industry

In stock

CAS NO: 10101-63-0

Grouped product items
  Product Name SKU Grade Quantity List Price
Lead Iodide, 99% L6772-BULK 99% BULK Price on Request
Lead Iodide, 99% L6772-50GM 99% 50 gm
Lead Iodide, 99% L6772-250GM 99% 250 gm
Lead Iodide, 99% L6772-1KG 99% 1 kg
Lead Iodide
More Information

City Chemical manufactures high purity Lead Iodide, CAS 10101-63-0 in bulk quantity. Bright yellow heavy powder, 99.6% purity

Lead iodide is a salt with the formula PbI2. At room temperature, it is a bright yellow heavy odorless powder, that becomes orange and red when heated. It is typically used in photography, medicine, printing, mosaic gold, and bronzing. The compound also has a few specialized applications, such as the manufacture of solar cells, x-ray and gamma-ray detectors. Its used as a precursor material in the fabrication of highly efficient solar cells. Its used as a high-energy photon detector for gamma-rays and x-rays, due to its wide band gap which ensures low noise operation.

Chemical Synonym Lead (II) iodide, Lead dibromide
SKU L6772
Appearance/Form Yellow crystalline, powder
CAS No. 10101-63-0
Property 1 99%
Formula PbI 2
Handling and Storage Precautions for safe handling
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid formation of dust and aerosols. Further processing of solid materials may result in the formation of combu formation should be taken into consideration before additional processing Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed.

Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.
Light sensitive.
Molecular Weight 461.01
MP 402 °C (756 °F)
Storage Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.
Transport Information DOT (US)
UN number: 2291 Class: 6.1 Packing group: III
Proper shipping name: Lead compounds, soluble, n.o.s. (Lead Iodide)
Reportable Quantity (RQ) : 10 lbs
Poison Inhalation Hazard: No

UN number: 2291 Class: 6.1 Packing group: III EMS-No: F-A, S-A
Proper shipping name: LEAD COMPOUND, SOLUBLE, N.O.S. (Lead Iodide)
Marine pollutant: yes

UN number: 2291 Class: 6.1 Packing group: III
Proper shipping name: Lead compound, soluble, n.o.s. (Lead Iodide)

Request for an SDS (Saftey Data Sheet) and a COA (Certificate of Analysis)

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